
Car Paint Protection

What is Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology paint protection?

 HyperSeal -Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology paint protection

It is a new form of the most effective and ECO FRIENDLY paint protection available today to give your Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology Paint Protection 10 years warranty car the glossy finish and durable benefits that come with Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology. The Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology paint protection creates an almost self-cleaning surface that usually only requires water and a chamois to maintain a spotless vehicle. Our paint protection is a superior coating chemistry to that of silicone, the basis of all other car care sealants and protectants. Whether they are described as containing polytetrafluoroethyle(PTFE), Acrylic or Silicate a made up fictional ingredient containing like glass plexin etc., all synthetic paint sealants utilize silicone as the binding agent in order to form a film of temporary protection and gloss. If the film prematurely breakdown due to exposure to moderately alkaline materials like a road grime (Ph9 or greater) or more acidic pollutants like acid rain (Ph3 or lower), the silicone resins will migrate from the finish making insufficient protection. Regardless of how well maintained or how often the surface is washed, eventually the organic binder will oxidize due to UV exposure and the need for periodic reapplications.

Although perhaps easy to use, the main disadvantage of silicone based sealants are their weakness to degrade upon exposure to UV rays, alkaline road grime, bird droppings, aggressive wash detergents and industrial pollutants like heavy deposits of acid rain. The result is a form of enhancement and protection that is spotty and short-lived. This is the main reason why on regular basis you are required to use specific car wash shampoo containing the active ingredient. In case of PTFE-based products, these require six monthly maintenance by using the dry wash to enhance the protection level.
Our Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology paint protection works on the atomic or Result is a surface (water & oil repelling)that is nearly self-cleaning due to the anti-static properties imparted by the treatment.molecular level by holding paint surface and non-silicone based resins that use the latest advances in nanoparticle technology. The combination of these forms protective, glossy layers of ceramic-like matrices on the vehicle‘s finish with very strong cross-linked covalent bond.
The covalent bond is a form of very strong chemical bonding that is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms, compared to ionic (weaker) and static charge (weaker) interactions used by other paint protection systems.

A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units typically connected by covalent chemical bonds, the strongest bond known to man.

Non-polymer, non-organic type products usually exist as crystalline structures (e.g. salts or silicates) and are held together and crystallize on the surface by ionic bonding forces, a weaker type of the covalent bond. These forces are not strong enough to prevent re-crystallization of the silicate upon exposure to water and moisture.

By chemically adhering to the finish while maintaining even greater internal bonding properties, Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology paint protection resins and the matrices they form with nanoparticles will not breakdown or leave from the surface. That's because these linkages and their internal forces are maintained in a three-dimensional polymeric matrix, unlike the weaker two-dimensional silicone arrangement. The result is a ceramic-like membrane of protection and enhancement that seals out all oxidative elements while sealing in a deep-gloss shine for years. In addition, the incredible depth of gloss and layer of ceramic-like protection of Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology paint protection is totally unaffected by all types of acidic and alkaline materials, from acid rain, tree sap and bugs to road salt and bird droppings.

PTFE in any vehicle wax or polish comes in the form of a powder or particulate suspended in water and functions primarily as an aid in the application (post-buffing) of the product. By the very nature of its chemistry, PTFE is non-reactive. It can only be held in place by means of entrapment with organic binders that eventually oxidize. Since it is essentially a soft plastic-like material, it easily wears off once the protective layer is removed. Therefore, PTFE only temporarily adds to the protective and release properties of the product before it is lost to the environment.

Not all car owners have the same requirements for the durability of a paint protection and the same budget. That is why we are introducing our 1 year warranty , or lifetime warranty (minimum 10 years) ceramic polymer nanotechnology based paint protection. Obviously the price for the paint protection with 1 year warranty is not the same as with the lifetime warranty. However, they both have one thing in common, you do not have to use any enhancing product or a special car wash shampoo during the warranty period.

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